Want to stand out on the job? Get yourself an Armani suit. Want to stand out among the stars? Get it custom tailored. Want to stand out on the baseball field? Get yourself an Emery custom 1 of 1 glove. Want to be among the best of the best? Get it custom tailored!

That’s one way to look at the Emery TruFit experience. TruFit is the personalized customization and creation of your own glove hand stall. In other words, it’s a TRUE custom glove – not just the size, the color, the web, the logo, and the embroidery of your dreams, but the guts of the glove as well. TruFit gloves are hand made to fit a player’s specific hand and grip, creating the ultimate custom glove experience.

Standard grip? That’s great. The ever-popular offset grip (aka Two in the Pinky)? We have that taken care of too. Cumbersome finger loops are a thing of the past with TruFit, a custom baseball glove liner designed and fabricated by Emery’s master craftsman, Marcus “G” Gurule.

One of those baseball feel-good stories, TruFit began as a way for Gurule to make a better fitting glove for his son Preston (now a budding star at age 11). While that version differs greatly from how the gloves are made today, the concept is still the same.

The TruFit process caught the attention of Emery founder Kevin Schneider, as he was looking to create a custom liner for Phillies star outfielder Nick Castellanos. So Gurule took the concept he developed for his son, changed some things around, widened some others, measured Nick’s hand, and created the TruFit gloves that Castellanos has used as gamers in 2022 and 2023.

Results? More control over your glove, and a sleek, clean look without the loops. The TruFit liner has a plush but durable feel to it, using a mixture of Kip or Cabretta leather as well as high-end absorbing padding.

The process that creates the ultimate concierge experience makes TruFit unique. Whether you’re Castellanos or an up-and-coming FUTURE All-Star, the process remains the same.

Contact us via email ([email protected]) to let us know you want a TruFit. You’ll get 1-on-1 time for design and measurements. Gurule fits the glove by hand to your specific measurements and style and you have the best looking, most functional glove around.

TruFit gloves can be made with US Kip leather ($499) or Japanese Kip ($599). With unparalleled customer interaction and materials, standard wait time from order to completion is less than six weeks.

Mike Olshin

Author Mike Olshin

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